Everyday people go through things. Good, bad, horrible, neutral, whatever.
It's life.
When someone goes through bad, or good, they need their people to be there for them.
I am people to some.
But since Spencer died, I think people feel bad coming to me with their good, and especially their bad.
I get a lot of 'I know it can't compare,' or 'it's nothing compared to...' or 'don't worry about me, how are YOU?'
and I love my people for that
But- your shit can still suck. You can still need me. You don't need to quantify it against mine. Maybe it helps put yours in perspective, but even if it doesn't, that is ok.
Your suck is allowed to suck all on its own-with no help from mine.
I would still hope you would let me be one of your people. One of the people you vent to, ask advice from, bitch too, bitch with, ask perspective from. Whatever.
Whatever it is, you are allowed to feel how you feel about it. I can just be there.
Promise, I won't judge you for hating that chick who looked at your man, just because it's not quite the end of the world. I will just agree with you, and be there for you.
I do however draw the line at anyone bitching about their cat destroying their furniture. You brought that on yourself and I don't have time for that mess. I do not have time for cat crap. Ok, I'll listen to your cat drama-but know I am silently thinking you should have a dog.
Now, if your dog is afraid to go outside because 'dad' isn't home- feel free to call, because that dog is mine, and that person bitching about that dog is me.
PS: This is my dog...all 88lbs of her!