My daughter is fearless.
Not fearless for her age.
Not Fearless for her gender.
When on vacation recently, she followed my almost 9yo niece down a slide at the playground that was tall and steep, even for someone my nieces age.
Kenzie thought it was great!
From her early daycare to now, we have been told 2 things about her consistently.
1-She is always happy. This is pretty true, though she is hitting the 2's man does she have opinions!
2-She is fearless.
My husband and I are both pretty adventrous, fearless people ourselves, so it makes sense she would be.
But, it's peoples reactions to us, as parents, that is interesting. People often seem surprised by what we let Kenzie try. How fearless we let her be.
Here's the thing. Yes, we let her be fearless, but we are always there to keep her safe. We aren't letting her jump into a pool without us, or dive head first down the slide. Not that nothing will ever happen to her, but we will do our best to limit any injuries etc.
And if she gets a little hurt, guess what?!?! She survived open heart surgery! If she bumps her head, scrapes a knee, or hell-breaks a bone-it will suck, but she will be ok!
She has gone through much worse, and she came out the other side. If she does ever get hurt, I will tell her exactly that! She is a damn survivor, a warrior, a fearless female and that is awesome.
So, yes, I am going to let her be fearless. We have gone through enough to where no one would blame us for wrapping her in bubble wrap and never letting her try anything. But that isn't the way we chose to go. We chose to let her know she can try and do anything. Even if it is scary, or hard. Because nothing is as scary or hard as what we have all been through, and we got through it, together.
While I hope she never has her heart broken, if she does, I will tell her- it was broken once before and the only thing it did was make her stronger, and more fearless than she was before.
So yes, you are damn right my daughter is fearless- she earned it- and she kicks ass at it!